BDA Annual Reception

On 27 January 2020, more than 500 guests from architecture, politics, culture and business attended the annual reception of the BDA Baden-Württemberg – the traditional “class reunion” of the Baden-Württemberg architects – in Stuttgart. The ceremonial address, entitled “City Form or Platform? Architecture, Citizen/User Participation and the Question of the Commons” was delivered by Professor Peter Mörtenböck of TU Wien. read more

Civic Design Conference

Urban development instead of housing development? The second international Civic Design Conference took place at the Peter Behrens School of Arts, HSD, on 7 November 2019. The conference focused on the current state of housing production. Questions raised at the event include: Does the present large-scale, quantity-driven production make an effective contribution to the creation of mixed-use, inclusive and complex urban neighborhoods? What strategies are necessary to avoid mono-functional “bedroom” settlements? How to e... read more

Shared Cities: The Finale

The two-day festival Shared Cities: The Finale brought together urbanists, curators and theorists of architecture. It focused on the ways in which sharing of information, knowledge, governance, space and infrastructure has become the new imperative in architectural and cultural discourse. A series of international panels attempted to draw new maps of Central Europe based on the Shared Cities Atlas. The aim was to contextualise the main topics of the Shared ... read more

Changing Values Conference

For the Vienna Biennale for Change, international representatives from the fields of architecture, design, art and commerce discussed connections between alternative ecological and economic approaches. Pursuing the topics of Valuable Data, Innovative Materials and Transformation Design, the Changing Values Conference at Architekturzentrum Wien (7 September 2019) engaged with relationships between architecture, design and art, and promoted the search together for strategies for the future, ethical conditions of production and ecological justice, be ... read more