For the Vienna Biennale for Change, international representatives from the fields of architecture, design, art and commerce discussed connections between alternative ecological and economic approaches. Pursuing the topics of Valuable Data, Innovative Materials and Transformation Design, the Changing Values Conference at Architekturzentrum Wien (7 September 2019) engaged with relationships between architecture, design and art, and promoted the search together for strategies for the future, ethical conditions of production and ecological justice, be it in the global South or in the global North. Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer presented their research on data publics on a panel on “Valuable Data” chaired by Vanessa Joan Müller of Kunsthalle Wien.
A conference by the MAK and the Slovak Design Center, in collaboration with the Architekturzentrum Wien and the Kunsthalle Wien: http://www.viennabiennale.org/en/conference/