EU and US Strike Data Sharing Deal

FT / Duncan Robinson A new deal struck between the US and EU will avoid indiscriminate surveillance of data by the US government – a fear that many in the international community had for several years surrounding the methods previously used to transfer sensitive data (such as photos, payslips and so on). “Safe Harbour” had been declared illegal by the European Court of Justice, which meant tech companies had to find new, legal ... read more

London park visitors covertly tracked via phone data

The Guardian / Oscar Williams In an attempt to analyse footfall and demographics, Royal Parks are analysing mobile phone data, capturing and locating visitors up to 12 months after their visit. Using the EE network and a third party (Future Cities Catapult), Royal Parks used data captured during visits to their parks and stored for a four week period before being analysed. This allowed them to track the locations and movements of ... read more