“In Theory, ...” – Sliver Lecture Series, Institute of Architecture, University of Applied Arts Vienna


Considering architecture as an inherently cross-disciplinary affair, SLIVER seeks to present positions from a scattered theoretical discourse with the aim to expand and nurture architectural thought. Drawing from theoretical frameworks of diverse backgrounds and performed by theoreticians and practitioners alike, the lecture series is set to open up a Wunderkammer of current thoughts.

Art & Architecture have been subjected to exemplify all sorts of theoretical thinking, hence being influenced by and to borrow from other discourses has been architecture´s common practice. The digital turn and the current post-conditions propelled an additional wave of needs, agendas, opportunities, and investigations into the field of architecture as well as to the cosmos of thought. Nurtured by the rapid proliferation of technoculture: ubiquitous computing and AI, new ways of production, materiality, and representation; information and communication networks of planetary scale; the environmental crisis; the emergence of new economies of reality; new ways of organization and governance; novel approaches towards spatiality,... SLIVER is collecting “bodies of knowledge and research” which address aspects of this complex ecology.

SLIVER is interested in the relationships between theory and practice and maybe even in new methods within both in relation to production and performance of knowledge. At the same time we would like to expose the discourses between theory and culture which might (for now) impact architecture only on its peripheries, but are important in understanding cultural developments and might be of relevance to contextualize our own doing as well as empower to  imagine possible evolutions of the architectural.

Sliver Team: Curated by Maja Ozvaldic in collaboration with Andrea Börner; supported by Roswitha Janowski-Fritsch, Sabine Peternell, Leonard Kern and Julian Heinen.

Video of Peter Mörtenböck’s lecture “Beyond Architecture on Demand: Rethinking Urban Futures in the Age of Platforms” on 22 November 2018